The Role of Revision to Refine Your Dissertation

Writing a dissertation is the most complex and tedious journey throughout your research, and therefore it is requisite that you revise it to make it your magnum opus. At the time of writing you think differently about your topic, and chances are you put information that digress you from a topic, or you fail to organise your ideas in a coherent style. This is why revision is crucial not at content level but at organisational level too. 

Revision at the organisational level

As suggested by expert PhD editors offering Dissertation Help Services, to revise your dissertation at the organisational level, you should revise the main points for clarity, add and delete text and insert transitions to connect paragraphs. Take a printout of your paper and mix up all paragraphs. Try to put them in the right order. If you do not feel it is eloquent or rhythmic, you should add or delete some text to create powerful paragraphs. 

The organisational level revision also includes looking for coherence in writing. Check whether there is a smooth transition from one sentence to another and from one paragraph to another. Make sure your writing is not superfluous. If this is the case, remove the redundant text. Add transitional phrases to establish a link between paragraphs such as however, moreover, in addition to, similarly, thereby, accordingly, of late, in the meantime, and the like. 

Below is an example of revision at the organisational level

Before Revision

After Revision

Consumer purchase orientation has no significant impact on the tendency to shop online. On the contrary, prior purchase and gender are aspects affecting this inclination. It contradicts that online consumers are motivated by convenience to shop online. 

Consumer purchase orientation has no significant impact on the tendency to shop online. It contradicts the pervasive view that online consumers are motivated by convenience. The study has found that the aspects that have a significant effect on purchase tendency are prior purchase and gender. 


Revision at the content level

The quality of your writing and the way you present your notions also matter a lot to make a rhetoric dissertation, therefore leave plenty of time to edit it at content level too. The most useful tip offered by dissertation editors to have burnished content is, you should revise one section at a time and should not move onto the next stage unless you get satisfied. Then, you peruse it to analyse whether it communicates or previews what you presented in the section. 

Try to incorporate strong active verbs, reduce the structure like “It is” and “There are”, remove redundant phrases like “In order to” and “So as to”, and maintain appropriate tense. Be consistent with the type of voice in each paragraph otherwise readers will get baffled by a sudden change in the subject. For example,

Instead of:

We examined the impact of garcinia extract on metabolism and glucose level in mice for four weeks. Treatment was found to have no impact on body weight, metabolism and glucose level. 


We examined the impact of garcinia extract on metabolism and glucose level in mice for four weeks. We found that treatment had no impact on body weight, metabolism and glucose level. 

Furthermore, when you have purified your dissertation by organising the text and removing surface errors, you need to drive end-stage editing. Speak it loud and try to spot errors or vague ways where you stumble upon. Try to make the beginning error-free. If your doctoral committee finds the beginning with good flow and error-free, it will focus more on the content and less on the grammatical structure in later sections.

 Rather than burning your hand with the revision process and messing up your dissertation, why not take  aid from the editors who are aware of all the guidelines that need to be followed while revising the dissertation? You can always contact the team of editors from a website that offers you the best Dissertation Help Service, place your requirements and obtain a flawless dissertation.

Category : Writer's Block
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